Clearwater Ventures is a full-service development company that specializes in environmental restoration, water quality improvement, and critical habitat protection projects that can satisfy our customers permitting requirements for mitigation or offset. The Clearwater team has successfully developed dozens of ecological restoration projects, and has yet to fail to meet the regulatory approval of a project it was involved with from inception. Our team members can lead all aspects of project implementation and development including: due diligence, site acquisition and closing, project entitlements and permitting, and construction permitting and oversight.
Clearwater has successfully partnered with many landowners to develop restoration projects on their property that deliver ecological and financial benefits. Each landowner, property and opportunity have unique characteristics and circumstances. Thus, Clearwater does not approach an opportunity with a cookie-cutter format or structure. Clearwater desires to first understand each landowner’s goals for their land. Conversely, Clearwater makes certain to explain all the risks, rewards, and realities associated with ecological restoration projects that require perpetual protective measures. Our greatest challenge and objective is to ensure the best mutual outcomes for the land, our partners, and our company.
Clearwater also provides Project Management services including:
Sales & Marketing
Credit sales contract negotiation and settlement
Technical site monitoring and reporting
Site maintenance
Bank Closure
Clearwater currently owns and operates 8 mitigation and/or water quality offset projects in Virginia. It also provides management services to several clients across the state. Please contact us today if we can help assist you.
Restoration Project Before and After
Limestone Stream – Actively eroding stream system that was heavily incised due to livestock activity and lack of forested buffer.
Restored Limestone Stream – Cattle removed and permanently fenced out; stream banks graded back to reengage the floodplain to allow for flood retention during storm events; rock structure and pool system installed to slow down flows, capture sediment and provide fish habitat.